Our Lawn and Pest Control Blog

With over 30 years in the business, our experts at Price Termite & Pest Control have extensive pest control and lawn care knowledge. Tap into the power of learning as we investigate the world of pest control and lawn care!

bed bugs
Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?

Knowing where these pests like to hide is essential if you're a homeowner in Florida, where bed bug infestations are not uncommon due to the warm climate. In this guide, we'll explore the common hiding spots of bed bugs in Florida homes and provide tips for bed bug detection.

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Mouse under porch
Types of Rodents In Florida

While rats and mice play essential roles in the ecosystem, they can become unwelcome guests when they invade homes. In this guide, we'll explore the most common rodents in Florida and provide insights on how to identify them.

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When Are Mosquitoes Active in Florida?

Living in the sunshine state of Florida has many benefits, from beautiful beaches to lush landscapes. However, one downside that many homeowners face is dealing with mosquitoes. In this blog, we take a closer look at when exactly mosquitoes are active in Florida.

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termites with wings
Termite Wings

Discovering termite wings in your Florida home can be unsettling. In this blog post, we'll delve into what termite wings look like, where to find them, and what your next steps should be.

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How To Get Rid of Ants in Florida Homes

Ant infestations are a common nuisance faced by homeowners, particularly in warmer climates like Florida. While ants might seem harmless at first, they can quickly multiply and become a significant problem if not dealt with promptly and effectively.

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